Author Archives: Louise Savoie
How to Support Nurses Working in Prisons
Prisons have the reputation of being one of the most dangerous places anyone can be. Individuals who have committed certain crimes ranging from petty to serious ones are there. But, these individuals are also humans. They get sick. They get injured. They need quality patient care. Many healthcare organizations in Georgia provide healthcare services for … Continue reading
Addressing Mental Health Issues in the Family
Mental health challenges typically involve years of heart-wrenching ordeals for any afflicted family. And unless any of the members are adept at spotting or identifying signs of these disorders, we often don’t see them until their more disruptive stages. We occasionally have a feeling here and there, but then proceeded to chalk up reactions to … Continue reading
Maintaining Your Quality of Healthcare
As a healthcare provider, one of your main priorities is to ensure that you are providing only the best care possible. However, as your business grows and as the number of patients you are responsible for increases, providing them with superb care can become a challenge. So what can you do to make sure that … Continue reading
4 Factors that Help Ensure Long-Term Organizational Success for Your Healthcare Business
The healthcare industry means serious business every day, all day, and at all hours of the day. At any time, a pregnant mother could give birth, an elderly patient could suffer from cardiac arrest, or a depressed teenager could attempt to harm herself. There are several, possibly life-threatening scenarios that could play out, which gives … Continue reading
5 Steps to Improve Your Healthcare Quality Management Process
Any healthcare quality management process can still be improved, no matter how good it may be. Here are 5 steps on how you can make such improvements in your own healthcare facility’s process: Make use of available data. You need to have some kind of information that will help you make an informed decision. You … Continue reading
Take Care Of Your Mental Health, Too
The things we come across each day and situations we deal with at home and at work affect our minds. Even if we don’t pay much attention to it, what we expose ourselves to can shape our thoughts, behaviors, and feelings. These everyday things build us up or break us down. Mental health revolves around … Continue reading