The story of a mom taking her 3-year old to a child psychologist is about her fears of the mental illness stigma, other people’s view of her being a mom, and her child’s well-being. These are real concerns that can keep every parent from seeing a licensed therapist even when they’re being advised by their child’s pediatrician. Thankfully, this story ended happily for mom and child.
This is just one of the many stories on how child psychology is very integral to children’s overall health, especially when they are prescribed for it. Not to mention that career-wise, the employment projection for psychologists is also increasing at a rate of 14%, especially from 2016-2026.
However, even with this great need for child psychologists, these professionals still face major challenges in their careers. Most of these challenges pertain to administrative concerns that can be helped by professionals conducting Healthcare Quality Management in Atlanta, Georgia.
Consider this list and see if you can relate with them:
- Financial Incapability
The lack of funds is perceived as one of the reasons why many Americans opt not to visit or take their loved ones to a psychologist. It’s either they can’t afford the mental health services or they don’t have the insurance to pay for one. The State of Mental Health Report even says that about approximately 14% of adults facing mental health issues are not insured – and that’s just for the adults; how much more for the children?
- Employment Retention
Practitioners for behavioral health are also facing the challenge of getting or retaining their team of psychologists mainly due to low compensation. Furthermore, the ICA Notes reports that many of the mental health practitioners are concentrated in the suburban areas in the country. To address this, the Annapolis Coalition was created to strengthen the working force amongst behavioral health professionals.
- Engaging Clients
Some psychologists also face the challenge of ensuring that their clients will stick with their healthcare services. They need to meet the client’s expectations of being easy to talk with and other client demands. When a psychologist faces other career issues, such as administrative constraints in the clinic, the interactions with the client can be affected. It’s integral that they seek assistance to manage these concerns from providers of Healthcare Billing in Georgia so they can focus on engaging their clients to the services.
It’s one thing to have the heart to provide mental health interventions to others. It’s another to maintain the interest when professional and administrative issues come into play. Meanwhile, the need for psychologists still remains high.
If you’re a mental health practitioner, get help from our team at Dominion Professional Associates. We partner with different healthcare organizations in Georgia so that you can focus on counseling while we handle the management and administrative aspect.
Do you know a child psychologist? Share this with them to let them know how much you appreciate their presence.
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